
Citizenry’s Work Isn’t Done

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every citizen who took the time on Tuesday, Oct. 22, to cast their vote on such a vital issue (Measure A, which would have allowed a casino in South Gate, was defeated). Their vote will guide the City Council in its efforts to responsibly manage the affairs of the city in the future.

Many things were said and printed in the heat of the battle. It’s time to pull together for the benefit of all our residents.

Although the financial resources of the city are strained at the moment, additional belt-tightening and the prudent use of what we have will get us through these troubled times. The future is not bleak. Unfortunately, it is not rosy either. The issue voters decided on Oct. 22 was only one of many and varied economic development projects that the city is looking into to provide the needed resources in the future. We must remember that both the federal and state governments have substantially reduced their assistance to local government, thus leaving us with few choices to offset said losses. Unfortunately, many of these choices are not the most desirable for the community.


The challenges that lie ahead for the city of South Gate will require the participation of all its citizens--after all, participatory government is democracy in action.


Councilman, South Gate
