
OXNARD : Plan Focuses on Private Donations

Oxnard’s Parks and Recreation Department plans to focus on attracting private donations for programs the city can no longer fund.

Earlier this year, the Parks and Recreation department lost 32 positions to budget cuts aimed at saving the city $5.2 million over the next two years to avoid a deficit.

In the process, the city lost sponsorship of many community events, including the summer aquatics program, South Oxnard Community Center, Carnegie Arts Museum, Santa Claus Christmas Float and the Fourth of July fireworks show.


The City Council instructed parks and recreation officials to find private and nonprofit organizations to take over the city programs.

As a result, Parks and Recreation Director Gary Davis has proposed creating the position of assistant parks and recreation director. The person named would take over most of Davis’ administrative duties, freeing him to recruit sponsors, Davis said.

The department also proposes creating a senior parks maintenance supervisor position to oversee park maintenance operations.


To save money, the department plans to eliminate a parks superintendent position and downgrade a recreation superintendent position to recreation manager.

Davis said the department would save $2,916 with the changes.

The Oxnard City Council will vote on the changes at its Tuesday meeting.
