
Downey : Police Pay and Benefit Talks Delayed Until Next March

Because of economic conditions, the City Council has agreed to delay pay and benefit talks with the Police Department until next March.

The Downey Police Officers’ Assn. has been negotiating the terms of its memorandum of understanding since April, Assistant City Manager Lee Powell said. “They wanted to know the economy is as uncertain as it is. They appreciated our problem.”

The Police Department is the fourth of five city employee agreements that the council has approved. The Downey Firefighters’ Assn. expects approval of its agreement shortly.


The Police Department agreement, effective immediately, will defer discussions on a cost-of-living adjustment until March, 1992; incorporate a new substance abuse policy; enable sergeants and lieutenants to receive compensation time off if they are called in for detective work on weekends; and begin a study on bilingual pay for officers when they serve as interpreters.

Powell said police will not receive annual cost-of-living pay adjustments, but they will be given raises if their job performance merits it.

The agreement is ratified for one year, from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992.
