
Seat Belts for Those Other Traffic Lanes

Safe-T-Suspenders, a clever harness designed to keep a child safe while sitting in a shopping cart, should appeal to parents of small children, especially in view of recent accident statistics involving children in grocery carts.

According to a recent study by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, last year 19,191 children younger than 4, most of them infants, had to be treated at emergency rooms for injuries suffered in shopping-cart accidents. The carts accounted for 32,866 injuries nationwide to adults and children.

Safe-T-Suspenders, adjustable straps that keep a child securely seated in a grocery cart, will fit children ages 6 months to 3 years. They are made of polypropylene, so they’re durable and washable, and the unit is lightweight--only 6 ounces.


The rainbow-striped straps attach to a blue nylon-and-foam bumper pad that snaps over the cart’s handlebar to keep the child from bumping his or her face or head on the metal. The straps fit over the child’s shoulders, cross in back and attach to the cart behind the child. They are then looped under the child’s arms and fastened snugly.

Safe-T-Suspenders ($19.95, plus $2.90 shipping and handling) can be ordered from Future Wave Technologies, 991-C Loma Santa Fe Drive, Suite 140, Solana Beach, Calif. 92075; (800) 222-5005. California tax should be added.

Getting Mugged by the Lunch Box Set

Pacific Photo Express in Los Angeles has introduced a line of personalized photo products for children and adults.


Especially for kids is a lunch box that can be laminated with a photo and name.

Grandparents might be partial to the refrigerator magnet that can be printed with a picture of their grandchildren and a greeting or by the table place mats with photo reproductions of the family. And everyone might like the photo T-shirts, which come in youth and adult sizes.

To order, send a photo (minimum size is 3 1/2 by 5 inches) that is in sharp focus and specify which item you want. You can write a greeting or name using up to 40 characters. The company will not print foul language.

The original photograph you send will be returned along with your order. You can buy the lunch box ($12.95 in red, blue or pink), magnet ($5), place mat ($9.95) or T-shirt (white only, $15.95 for a photo and greeting on the front; $18.95 for front and back), at the Picture Place, 12322 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, Calif. 91604; (818) 762-7731.


For mail-order information, call (818) 761-2599. Add $3 shipping and handling for one or two items; $5 for three to five items; $1 for the magnet alone.

No More Drive-Time Music Meltdown

Have your cassette tapes warped or melted from spending too much time in a hot car? You might want to consider the new UX Turbo cassettes from Sony.

These high-bias blank tapes are housed in a heat-resistant cassette shell for use in car systems. The shell is made from a special resin designed to resist heat of more than 235 degrees Fahrenheit, and the cassette window and hubs are constructed to withstand similar temperature extremes. The rigid cassette shell also reduces vibrations that can cause modulation noise, says a Sony spokesman.

The UX Turbo tapes are being sold nationally through record chains and car stereo shops. It is available in lengths of 60 minutes ($2.99), 90 minutes ($3.99) and 100 minutes ($4.99). You can find them at Music Plus, Tower Records and the Wherehouse.
