
New Secretary General

The current United Nations General Secretary Javier Perez de Cuellar’s term is ending in December. Who is going to become a new secretary general?

Some are suggesting that the African nations should be given a chance as no one from that continent has been appointed as the U.N. chief so far. Javier Perez de Cuellar has been representing Latin America. Being a representative of a weak and underdeveloped nation, he was used by the powerful nations including the U.S. During the Gulf War, he acted like a puppet of the U.S. Administration and because of him Iraq has been crushed into rubble. Any other U.N. chief could have resolved the issue peacefully.

Instead of a weak person from an underdeveloped nation, a strong politician dedicated to world peace, disarmament and international brotherhood needs to be appointed as the chief. I strongly suggest former President Jimmy Carter who is not only American, but has credibility as a citizen of the world and cannot be misused by any nation including America!



