
BUENA PARK : Union Gets City OK to Rebuild After Fire

The City Council this week approved plans to rebuild the Retail Clerks Union Hall, which was ravaged by fire earlier this year.

Officials from the union received permission to begin rebuilding a 16,654-square-foot portion of the Stanton Avenue building, which was severely damaged by the fire. Included in the renovations is the addition of a second-floor conference and meeting area.

Morton Baum, field director for the union, asked the council to consider dropping or delaying some of the requirements imposed by the city because of “financial considerations.”


He asked that they not require the union to move its sign, which according to the city extends into the public right-of-way. Baum also asked for a delay in installing fire sprinklers throughout the building because of a lack of funds.

But, despite Mayor Don R. Griffin’s attempts to get the council to consider Baum’s arguments, council members denied the requests.

The hall houses administrative offices, a credit union and meeting facilities for the Retail Clerks Union. Because the damage was so extensive, the city code required special permission to be granted before reconstruction could begin.
