
KIIS DJ ‘Magic’ Matt Does a Vanishing Act

“Magic” Matt Alan, the top-rated afternoon deejay in Los Angeles for much of the past two years, has been fired by KIIS-AM/FM because of “philosophical differences over the direction of his show,” station management said Friday.

Alan, who was lured by a hefty contract to KIIS in the summer of 1989 after a successful run in New York, had been working without a contract since August while trying to negotiate a new pact. He contended that KIIS dismissed him in an effort to cut costs.

“Everyone needs to do what they need to do, and with the recession, it’s no secret that this has been a bad year for broadcasting,” Alan said Friday. “And KIIS is particularly vulnerable because they are spending several million dollars a year on a morning show that has been lodged in fourth or fifth place for some time. And they are stuck with a long-term contract (for morning host Rick Dees). So if they’re going to cut, they can’t cut there.”


Dees has a long-term contract that reportedly pays him more than $2 million annually.

Alan said that he had been seeking a raise, but maintained that he was not asking for more than a 2% increase in his salary, rumored to be in the $500,000-a-year range.

Bill Richards, programming director at KIIS, would not comment on whether the decision to cut Alan was based on budgetary factors.

“We are looking for a little different direction in that show,” Richards said, refusing to elaborate on what kind of changes he foresaw. Richards also said that he could not yet discuss who the station planned to hire to fill Alan’s 3-7 p.m. spot.


Alan said that in the last two months, the station, which has catered to kids and young teen-agers, seemed to be heading in a “lighter, more mellow” direction--along the lines of adult-oriented KOST-FM--in an effort to attract more older listeners.

Alan’s last broadcast was Wednesday. About an hour before he was supposed to go on the air Thursday, Alan said, KIIS executives called him in to deliver the bad news.

Alan, who also performs as a magician at Hollywood’s Magic Castle, said he intends to resurface at another radio station in Los Angeles.


“I’m a little burnt out about this whole thing so it may take a couple of months, but I will be back on a radio station in this city,” Alan said. “Perhaps in direct competition with my old show on KIIS-FM.”
