
Key Elements of House Crime Bill

<i> Associated Press</i>

Here are major elements of the anti-crime bill passed by the House:

DEATH PENALTY: It would impose the death penalty for more than 50 federal crimes, including political assassinations, terrorism, espionage, treason and the killings of witnesses to drug crimes.

HABEAS CORPUS: The bill would give state prisoners facing the death penalty one year to file a habeas corpus petition in federal court to challenge their convictions. Each state prisoner would be limited to one habeas corpus petition unless there is new evidence affecting guilt or innocence or a claim of miscarriage of justice.

EXCLUSIONARY RULE: The bill would give federal law enforcement agents more leeway in seizing evidence without search warrants. It would allow the use of illegally seized evidence in court if agents without a warrant thought they were acting in good faith.


DRUG TESTING AND TREATMENT: The bill requires drug testing of federal prison inmates. It also authorizes $100 million spread over three years to help states set up drug testing programs for criminal suspects. Another $100 million is authorized to help states set up residential drug treatment programs for state prisoners.

SAFE SCHOOLS: The measure authorizes $100 million over three years to help schools in high-crime areas increase security by purchasing metal detectors, surveillance equipment and other devices. The grant money also can be used for counseling students who are crime victims.
