
California Condors

Southern California Edison watched with great excitement and anticipation the recent release of two zoo-bred California condors into the Ventura County wilderness (“1st California Condors Return to Reclaim Wild,” Oct. 11).

This ambitious effort begins the inspiring process of replenishing the region with a significant condor population. The exhaustive dedication of everyone involved in this noteworthy project is, indeed, commendable.

Edison is pleased to be assisting in the return of the condor to the wild by modifying certain power poles to help make the area safer for the condor. Also, in cooperation with several local oil companies--such as Seneca--we’ve placed other strategic spans on distribution lines underground to minimize the potential for condors to come into contact with them.


On a more diverse scale, Edison’s “Endangered Species Alert Program” is designed to protect the more than 100 rare, threatened or endangered animals and plants in our region. This multifaceted program helps our employees determine if they are working within the habitat of an endangered species, and provides guidance on preventing or minimizing damage to the habitat and species. These programs will go a long way toward making the term “endangered species” obsolete.

ROBERT DIETCH, Vice President

Energy, Research and Environment

Southern California Edison, Rosemead
