
Review of Bolton Was Wrong, Right

This morning, I ran out to retrieve my paper in hopes of finding a write-up on my favorite performer of all time, Michael Bolton. So I was very happy to see that you had written an article and included a photograph on the front page of the Calender section. Then I read it.

How could you be so cold in your writing? Take it from someone who was at that concert and has seen him more than once in the past: He was absolutely wonderful! It was by no means a “sob story.” The man’s voice is so amazing that I still get chills every time I hear one of his songs. And even though I really enjoyed the concert, what followed was very special to my daughter and me as well.

Michael’s publicist had arranged that my daughter, Melissa, and I be allowed to meet with Michael after the show. Michael’s assistant took us back to where Michael was and we spent the next few minutes getting to know the real Michael. He is not only a wonderful singer and performer, but one of the nicest people on earth. We truly enjoyed meeting him, and we have some very wonderful photographs of this very special time.


So take it from one of Michael’s biggest fans: The man is fabulous, both on and off the stage. And I am sure you will hear from quite a few other people telling you exactly the same thing.


