
Concerns Over Soka Misplaced

As a resident of Calabasas and a member of Soka University’s Community Advisory Council, I became acquainted with Soka University and its plans for the development of its campus.

The principal controversy appears to be based on a misperception by many of what Soka University is and plans to become.

The campus was formerly the estate of the Gillette family. Thereafter, it was a theological seminary before being acquired for the university. For many years, the land has been developed. It consists of well-maintained buildings, carefully manicured lawns and a setting I found somewhat reminiscent of the Huntington Library gardens.


It is not virgin parkland in a natural state and has not been for many years. Malibu Creek State Park, the entrance to which is one or two miles away, is the Santa Monica Mountains in its natural, undeveloped setting. It is part of thousands of acres of natural park-like setting, easily accessible to residents, such as myself, who wish to hike, picnic or camp in a natural setting.

The concern that Soka University will become a congested and disruptive influence on the community appears misplaced. It is difficult for me to imagine that people who have spent as much time and effort as they have creating a beautiful, tranquil setting for contemplative thought and education would cavalierly throw it all away.

