
City’s Use of Radar to Monitor Speed of Cyclists, Skaters Stirs Controversy

Regarding the enforcement of the speeding laws on the recreation trail in Huntington Beach: I am a resident of Huntington Beach and I use the trail year round--bicycling, walking and sometimes skating. The article takes the same position heard many times before--the bicyclist, skater, skateboarder is responsible for hazardous conditions on the trail.

From experience, I know that the majority of incidents that I have witnessed, and sometimes nearly participated in, have been caused by careless, nonthinking pedestrians, aimlessly wandering around on what is clearly marked as a “Bicycle Trail,” with no regard for any other traffic.

They let their children run loose, they wander around as if in a daze, changing directions without paying attention to their surroundings, etc. If this behavior was repeated on any other thoroughfare (Beach Boulevard or the San Diego Freeway), the pedestrian would be arrested for jaywalking or obstructing traffic.


We have virtually no problems in the winter when the mindless wanderers are not present. When do the semiconscious pedestrians begin to be held accountable for their behaviors?

ROBERT E. AYRER, Huntington Beach
