
Small Quake Rattles Silverado Canyon

A small earthquake shook parts northeast Orange County on Wednesday morning, causing no damage or injuries, authorities said.

The 3 magnitude earthquake was centered about 3 miles southeast of Yorba Linda, near Silverado Canyon, California Institute of Technology spokesman Hall Daily said.

“It was very minor,” Daily said.

Police and fire officials said few people felt the temblor, which lasted only a few seconds.


Orange County Fire Department Capt. Dan Young said fire dispatchers received several calls after the 11:42 a.m. earthquake. Local fire stations went through “full station roll calls,” Young said, but went off alert status when no damage was reported.

“Everybody felt a sort of a rattle here,” Young said from the department’s Orange headquarters. “They all just sort of stopped a minute to feel it, then went back to business.”

Silverado Canyon resident Michael Boek said that when the earthquake hit, he first thought it was a powerful sonic boom.


“It was very severe, the whole house shook for a second and the ground moved.”
