
L.A. Triathlon Awaiting Only Approval From City Council

Event organizers held a news conference Tuesday to announce the arrival of the city’s newest sports event, the Los Angeles International Triathlon, but the announcement appeared to be premature.

The triathlon, which is to be under the auspices of the city, has yet to gain the city’s final approval.

Mayor Tom Bradley was on hand Tuesday and praised the event but acknowledged that the City Council had not voted its approval. The mayor said he expects no trouble with the Council. “That’s a given,” Bradley said.


The organizers’ bid is still being studied by the city’s administrative officer. Bradley said he did not know when the matter will come before the Council for a vote.

The proposed triathlon next June 7 would begin with a one-mile swim at Venice Beach, continue with a 25-mike bike race to Griffith Park, then conclude with a 6.2-mile run in thepark.

Don Klosterman, former Ram general manager and general manager of the triathlon, said he expects entries from 2,000 athletes from more than 70 countries but announced only two entrants Tuesday.


He also said the event would be televised locally, nationally and internationally but added that no contracts have been signed yet.

The event’s official spokesman, television commentator Marty Liquori, predicted: “This race will become what Wimbledon is to tennis.”
