
BASEBALL DAILY REPORT : ANGELS : Guillen Is First to Aid Injured Boy

Bo Jackson didn’t start for the White Sox, but the fans who chanted “We want Bo” got a glimpse of him in the ninth inning when a young fan sitting near Chicago’s dugout was struck by a foul ball.

The commotion caught the attention of Ozzie Guillen, who brought the youngster an icepack until medical personnel could reach him.

“I got two kids,” Guillen said to explain his concern. “It’s good (the youth) wasn’t hurt bad.”


Splitting four games with Chicago left the Angels 6-4 on their home stand. . . . Manager Buck Rodgers praised reliever Cliff Young’s fastball but couldn’t find much else positive about Young’s four-run inning and said Young will go to winter ball to add another pitch to his repertoire. Pitchers Chris Beasley and Kyle Abbott and catcher John Orton also will play winter ball. . . . When Dick Schofield grounded into a double play in the second inning, it was only his third of the season in 434 plate appearances and 388 at-bats. He tripled and scored the Angels’ second run Sunday, in the seventh inning.
