
Controversy Over ACT UP Film

I viewed the showing of “Stop the Church” on KCET (Sept. 6). It truly was an absolute insult to me as a thoughtful, committed Catholic layperson, and an insult to any intelligent, decent person caring about the truth and about respect for others and their sincere convictions.

I know that the people behind the film have passionate convictions in opposition to the positions of the Catholic Church. But in “Stop the Church” they chose to express them in a hateful, derisive way, with no respect for the truth of the church’s position, or for the genuine beliefs and practices of Catholics. This film is as much an act of unjustified violence as are the other hate crimes that we all find so offensive. Perhaps it is even worse in that it is presented in such an influential way and aired by KCET, a usually respected public television station.

It was wrong for KCET to broadcast this film under the guise of responsible film journalism. If KCET is going to be consistent, I would expect KCET to present material offensive to other groups of people, i.e., gays, blacks, Jews, Mormons, Latinos, Asians, etc., under the same premises. I am not aware of KCET’s willingness to do this. KCET has been irresponsible in airing this film, and has been an accomplice in fostering hatred, bigotry and misunderstanding.



Simi Valley
