
Jerry Lewis’ MD Telethon

Special thanks to Robert A. Jones (“Jerry’s Kids: It’s a Pity but It Works,” On California, Sept. 4) for his trenchant comments concerning the recent actions by muscular dystrophy activists over the Labor Day weekend.

I would have preferred that Jerry Lewis had refrained from “begging for survival” in the opening moments of the Muscular Dystrophy Assn. telethon and instead have composed a rebuttal to newspapers once the telethon was completed. However, I can understand that he probably felt that not saying anything would be misconstrued as dodging the issue.

I appreciate Jones’ literate responses to activist concerns. Jones’ comments were not only calm and succinct but point out the problems inherent in the demands of a few versus the needs of the many or, as scholar Paul Fussell has said, “If everybody doesn’t want it, nobody gets it.”



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