
OXNARD : Town Meetings Held on Plaza Park

Oxnard residents will have the opportunity to offer ideas and comments about redevelopment in the Plaza Park area during informal “town meetings” being held this week by the Oxnard Redevelopment Agency.

Business and property owners and city residents may participate in the preparation of a master plan for the park at C and 5th streets and its surrounding area during discussions beginning at 10:30 a.m today, said Alex Gacic, a project manager for the agency.

About 50 people attended the opening public presentation on Monday and about 25 attended Tuesday’s discussion sessions, Gacic said.


The week of meetings, which are being held through Friday under a tent at the downtown park, were set up with the goal of developing a master plan based on input by citizens and planning experts, Gacic said.

“People can come and offer their ideas and comments and talk with consultants regarding such things as park improvements, area restaurants and shops and traffic and parking situations,” Gacic said.

Several firms that specialize in city management, design and landscaping will offer their ideas and concepts and answer public inquiries during the discussions scheduled today and Thursday, Gacic said.


A final plan will be presented to the public at the Council Chambers at 5 p.m. Friday, and any amendments will be made before it goes through the formal approval process, Gacic said.
