
Allen Campaign

Cathleen Decker’s account (“Seymour’s Challengers Square Off,” Part A, Sept. 1) of the correspondence between my campaign and Rep. William Dannemeyer’s is fair and accurate. Nevertheless, it was not comprehensive.

I believe it important to note that the correspondence, initiated by Dannemeyer’s campaign, was rather an expression of their frustration than of anything that I or my staff said or did. Dannemeyer alone volunteered an endorsement of John Seymour, and it was the dismayed reaction of his supporters to this news that generated widespread conversations around the state. For the same reason his supporters initiated conversations with my campaign about a change of support.

Any attempt to portray these natural consequences of the carelessness of the Dannemeyer campaign as an attack on Bill’s integrity by the Allen campaign is entirely unjustified. I am not running against Dannemeyer. I am not running against John Seymour. I subscribe to the Republican’s 11th Commandment; I have thus far, and will continue henceforth, to avoid speaking ill of other Republicans.


I repeat at every opportunity that my mission is to guarantee that the accent with which the Republican Party in California shall speak will be conservative.


