
Chinese Visit

It was with some distress that I read of British Prime Minister John Major’s trip to China, with the purpose of easing sanctions against that still unrepentant nation.

While I understand his concern for British citizens living in Hong Kong, the events of 1989’s Tian An Men Square massacre are too recent to be dismissed out of hand. For him to review the troops who killed peacefully demonstrating people, in the very place of that murder, is a slap in the face to all who hold the principles of democracy dear.

Major was quoted as saying, “I will raise the (human rights issue) and I will carry it as far as I can without provoking a breakdown of communications” (Part A, Sept. 3). If one is not prepared to risk something, one cannot expect to receive anything in return.


I must urge him and the leaders of all nations to get concessions from the Chinese before easing sanctions. Had the massacre occurred in a Western nation, he would not be so ready to forgive.


Thousand Oaks
