
Our Pond-Scum-of-the-Month award goes to the poachers...

Our Pond-Scum-of-the-Month award goes to the poachers who hauled in about a dozen fish from the pools used for marine science classes for kids in El Segundo.

The intruders cast their lines about 20 feet--and over an 8-foot chain-link fence--into the pools of Oceanographic Teaching Stations Inc., a nonprofit group currently using space provided by Chevron.

“That’s nice casting but it’s a rotten thing to do,” commented Jim Babbit of OTS.

Nets have since been hung over the area to protect the surviving class exhibits.

Abuse of the 911 emergency telephone system--set up for life-and-death situations only--continues, city Fire Department spokesman Steve Ruda reports.


Case in point was a recent call from a man who wanted assistance in opening a locked apartment door. Why?

“Deliver food, Chinese food,” the caller said.

“You need the Fire Department to let you in so you can deliver Chinese food?” the dispatcher inquired.

“Yes,” came the reply. Then the delivery man hung up.

List of the Day:

After the shocking opening-day loss to Phoenix, our Los Angeles Rams seem to be in big trouble. But fans needn’t worry. Owner Georgia Frontiere can always turn to the members of her Rams Advisory Board, listed in the game program.


The consultants include:

1--Henry Mancini, composer.

2--Maureen Reagan, businesswoman as well as daughter of Ronald Reagan.

3--Bob Hope, comic.

4--Brad Gates, Orange County sheriff / coroner.

5--Marion Knott, Knott’s Berry Farm.

6--Lord David Westbury, House of Lords, London, England.

We’re not sure what strategic contributions some of those advisers can make. But we do know that the Rams can always count on Mancini for a score.

It’s bad enough that state schools have suffered so many cuts. From the look of a long-neglected city sign on Lakewood Boulevard, one college has even had its name trimmed (see photo).

The city of L. A. is a bit richer, courtesy of Robert Heron of West L.A.

After receiving a refund from the Department of Water and Power, Heron signed the full amount over to the city’s general fund and mailed it to City Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky.


All 2 cents of it.

“P.S.,” Heron wrote. “I suggest the DWP program its computers to keep any amounts under one dollar.”

Well, considering the state of the economy, at least under a dime.


L. A.’s highest skyscraper is the 73-story First Interstate World Center, while Orange County’s tallest is the 21-story Century Tower in Costa Mesa, San Diego’s is the 41-story Harbor Drive building, San Francisco’s is the 48-story Transamerica Pyramid building and Sacramento’s is the 28-story Renaissance Tower.
