

Researched by DALLAS M. JACKSON / Los Angeles Times

Name: Jose Murgo

Company: Disneyland Hotel

Thumbs up: “I’ve been here 19 years and have spent most of my life working on plants.I pick out and plant new flowers every two weeks. I also like talking to the people who ask about my plants and flowers--we get an opportunity to share gardening tips.”

Thumbs down: “It bothers me when people take my plants and move them to other areas in the hotel. And sometimes I get upset when guests step on my plants and break them--especially the kids.”

Next step: “Supervisor. But I work by myself; in a way I’m the boss.”

Advice: “This is a job for someone with patience. A green thumb helps, and you have to know plants and enjoy gardening.”


Salary range: Beginning non-union workers usually earn $4.50 per hour, progressing to $7 as experience is acquired; pay for experienced non-union workers ranges from $6.25 to $11.50 per hour. Union workers generally earn $6.50 to $14.85 per hour and apprentices are paid 50% to 70% of journeyman pay.

Fringe benefits: May include paid vacations, holidays, sick leave, health insurance and retirement plans.

Hours: Standard 40-hour, five-day workweek.

Educational and training requirements: Must be in excellent physical condition, able to do heavy physical work and follow directions. Most gardener/groundskeepers are trained by the employer.


Size of work force: Small. In Orange County, approximately 14,000 people, or 1% of the labor force, work as gardener/groundskeepers.

Expected demand: Population growth and urbanization in the county will increase the need for landscaping and maintaining golf courses, parks, and community and residential properties.

Job description: Plant, transplant, fertilize, trim and prune flowers, grass, shrubs and trees; also rake and sweep leaves and other debris. In some cases a gardener/groundskeeper may repair or paint fences, gates, irrigations systems, walls, walks, outbuildings and equipment.


Major employing industries: Landscape maintenance and gardening companies, golf courses, nurseries, large companies, hotels, local, state and federal governments.

For more information: Call the job service window at any office of the state Employment Development Division. In Orange County, the offices are in Anaheim, (714) 978-7421; in Fullerton, (714) 680-7800, and in Santa Ana, (714) 558-4294.
