
Driver Arrested After Truck Hits School Van

A construction worker was arrested for felony drunken driving Friday after he rear-ended a public-school van, slightly injured a handicapped student on board, and left the scene of the accident, police said.

Mark Hagmann, 33, of Azusa, who is working on the new state prison in Lancaster, was being held at the Antelope Valley Jail in lieu of $50,000 bail, said California Highway Patrol Officer Miguel Siordia.

Hagmann was arrested by Sheriff’s Deputy Doug Davis, who found him after witnesses described his blue Mitsubishi pickup as a “construction type of truck.” Davis instinctively drove to the closest construction site--the new state prison--where he saw the blue truck and arrested Hagmann, said Sheriff’s Sgt. Bob Denham.


Hagmann was westbound on Avenue I, near 40th Street West, when he tried to pass a school van on its way to Highland High School about 7:30 a.m., another sheriff’s spokesman said. He clipped the right rear of the van, slightly injuring 14-year-old Alejandra Gomez, who was treated at Antelope Valley Medical Center and released.
