
SIMI VALLEY : Workers to Close Freeway Off-Ramp

The westbound off-ramp of the Simi Valley Freeway at Madera Road in Simi Valley will be intermittently closed to motorists Tuesday through Friday for construction work, city officials said.

The off-ramp will be closed between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., said city Traffic Engineer George Berg. The closure will allow road crews to restripe a portion of Madera Road between the freeway off-ramp and Cochran Street.

The work is part of a $3.4-million construction project that will eventually add two freeway off-ramps and two on-ramps, which city officials said will greatly improve traffic circulation at the busy interchange. Currently, there is one eastbound on-ramp and one westbound off-ramp at Madera Road.


The freeway improvements, which are being done by C.A. Rasmussen Inc., are expected to be completed by April, 1992, Berg said.
