
Should Schools Provide Birth Control Devices?

Due to the rise in teen-age pregnancies and deaths from AIDS, proposals to distribute birth control devices through high school health clinics began to surface and gain support--but not completely.

Soon enough, parents and school officials were at loggerheads, debating the benefits and pitfalls of such a program that would directly affect their children.

Hot Topics asks, “How do you feel about the distribution of birth control devices through high school health clinics?”


“They should hand them out because people don’t take the time to go to the store and buy them. Less people would end up pregnant.”

Kendyl Jones, 14,

freshman, San Clemente

“I think it’s a waste. Availability is part of the problem, but people oftentimes don’t use them when they do have them.”

Ed Fairfield, 17,

senior, Mission Viejo

“It’s about time.”

Chris Harrington, 15,

freshman, Capistrano Valley

“I think it would work pretty well since most people are too embarrassed to buy them.”

Yvonne Mara, 16,

junior, Capistrano Valley

“I don’t think it will make any difference. For the most part, teens are irresponsible about these things.”


Tom Mau, 14,

freshman, Capistrano Valley

“It’s a good idea. What are they waiting for?”

Jerry Knutson, 16,

sophomore, Capistrano Valley

“I think it just condones sexual activity. That’s not so good and kind of defeats the purpose of handing them out in the first place.”

Robert Knox, 15,

sophomore, Mission Viejo

“I think it’s a good idea because people are lazy and can’t be bothered going out and buying them.”

Lynn Knowles, 15,

freshman, San Clemente

“It’s got good intentions--but I don’t know if it will get any results. Teens are teens.”

Steve Halbert,16,

junior, Capistrano Valley

“If I were a taxpayer I wouldn’t want my money going toward someone else’s good time.”

Michelle Siggard, 17,

senior, Mission Viejo

“I think it could give teens the wrong idea, but I guess people are going to do it anyway, so it might save lives.”


James Weiss, 14,

freshman, Capistrano Valley

“It’s a step in the right direction. I mean, sex ed classes haven’t done the trick, have they?”

Craig Faber, 17,

senior, Trabuco Hills

“I think it gives teens the wrong message about sex, that it’s casual and OK.”

JoAnn Raynesford, 16,

junior, Mission Viejo

“I believe that it’s a good idea because people are going to do it anyway, so why not help them do it right?”

Raina Schreiber, 15,

freshman, Santa Margarita

“I guess it’s a good idea. Well, I mean, I can’t think of anything bad about it.”

Nicole Lee, 15,

sophomore, San Clemente

“I think it’s a totally good idea because some people are afraid to buy it or don’t have enough money or feel ashamed to buy it. It would help a lot.”

Misty Ackerson, 16,

sophomore, San Clemente

“I think they should have them. A lot of people don’t want to get them so they don’t use them, so they wind up pregnant. It makes it a lot easier.”

Jodie Scott, 15,

sophomore, San Clemente

“It’s a good idea because they’ve tried the regular education and it’s not working, so we may as well try something else.”

Shanna Cox, 17,

senior, Capistrano Valley

“It’s definitely a good idea because a lot of people don’t bother going out of their way to get them. But most students go to high school, so there would be easier access to them.”


Vnus Kanani, 15,

junior, Dana Hills

Next Week’s Hot Topic:

What advice can you offer students new to your school?

Responses gathered by Justin Chan at the Mission Viejo Mall.
