
SEAL BEACH : Council Rejects Sale of Beer Near Beach

The City Council on Monday turned down a request to sell beer at the United Way’s Sandcastle contest next month.

The Seal Beach Business Assn. had proposed operating beer and food booths in a bluff area above the beach to raise money for new street lights and benches on Main Street, but council members rejected the idea after residents complained of “beer bashes” in Old Town.

The council seemed poised to approve the request Monday but backed down after arguments from residents of the area and Councilwoman Marilyn Bruce Hastings, who represents Old Town.


“I feel we have enough places in town where people can go to have a beer if they want to,” Hastings said. She added that police officials told her that a recent council decision to ban beer sales at a beach volleyball tournament made the event much more manageable.

“We surely do not want beer gardens on our beach. We don’t want any more bars in our town,” resident Barbara Antoci said. “We have enough drunks in our town.”

Residents also expressed concerns that allowing alcohol sales on city property could open the city to injury or damage liability.
