
Talks Begin on Site for City Hall

The Culver City Council has directed staff members to begin negotiations with property owners of four sites for a new city hall.

Negotiations are expected to last about two months.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Aug. 25, 1991 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday August 25, 1991 Home Edition Westside Part J Page 3 Column 1 Zones Desk 1 inches; 31 words Type of Material: Correction
City hall site--Because of an editing error, a story in Thursday’s Westside section about negotiations with property owners concerning four possible sites for a new city hall misidentified the city. It is West Hollywood.

Two of the sites appear to have generated the most interest among the council and residents. One is on Formosa Avenue between Santa Monica Boulevard and Romaine Street, which is part of the Warner-Hollywood Studios expansion project. The other is on the south side of Santa Monica Boulevard between Vista Street and Martel Avenue, site of the vacant Oki-Dog hot dog stand.

Another is on the grounds of Fairfax High. And the last is the temporary city hall on Santa Monica Boulevard between Westbourne and Westmount drives.


A site-selection committee has recommended the Oki-Dog location, saying that it has the greatest potential for revitalizing the crime-ridden east end.
