
A summary of significant Los Angeles City Hall decisions affecting the Westside in the last week.


* STREET CLOSURES: Approved the closure of several streets for various events during the next two months. The streets are:

Gayley Avenue between Landfair and Le Conte avenues in Westwood, on Aug. 28, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., for a wedding conducted by West Coast Chabad.

Sutro Avenue between Martin Luther King Boulevard and 39th Street in the Crenshaw District, on Oct. 5, from noon to 6 p.m., for the Sutro Avenue Block Club Party.


San Vicente Boulevard between Bringham and Darlington avenues in Brentwood, on Oct. 13, from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., for the “Great Tastes of Brentwood” restaurant sampling fair.

87th Street between Truxton Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard in Westchester, on Oct. 19 and 20, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., for the Westchester-LAX Chamber of Commerce Pumpkinfest.

Melrose Avenue between Van Ness Avenue and Larchmont Boulevard in Hollywood, on Oct. 20, from 6 a.m. until noon., for the Hollywood Police Support Assn. 5K and 10K runs.


* TRAFFIC FLOW: Agreed to spend nearly $15,000 to deploy extra traffic officers on Venice Boulevard in Venice to help direct traffic during the extensive reconstruction of the thoroughfare. The council allocated $14,906 at Councilwoman Ruth Galanter’s request to add the officers, using money collected from a temporary parking lot near the road project.

* CRUISING: Councilman Michael Woo asked that a program to control cruising along Sunset and Hollywood boulevards in Hollywood be extended until the end of the year. Extra traffic and parking officers and barricades had already been approved through the end of August. A vote on the extension is expected Friday.

* BIKE LIGHTS: Allocated $420 to purchase lights for Los Angeles Police Department bicycles used in patrolling West Los Angeles.


* MIRACLE MILE: Allocated $500 to support the Miracle Mile Neighborhood Patrol.


* POLICE PROBE: Asked the city’s Police Commission to investigate an Aug. 9 scuffle between two white officers and a black jail employee. The council also requested that the city attorney and Police Commission further investigate issues of sexual and racial harassment among employees of the Los Angeles Police Department. Passed: 11 to 0.

Westside council members voting yes: Galanter, Woo, Joel Wachs, and Zev Yaroslavsky.

Absent: Marvin Braude, John Ferraro and Nate Holden.

* DESALINATION: Gave conditional support to a pending state Assembly bill that would permit companies removing salt from water to sell the product to local water companies. The council said it will support the measure by Assemblyman Richard Polanco (D-Los Angeles), as long as local water agencies have the final say over whether they purchase the purified water. Passed: 11 to 0.

Voting yes: Galanter, Wachs, Woo and Yaroslavsky.

Absent: Braude, Ferraro and Holden.
