
Tsongas Says He Will Qualify for Matching Funds

<i> From Associated Press</i>

Democratic presidential candidate Paul E. Tsongas said Wednesday that his campaign treasury has been hurt by the recession but will get a financial lift by qualifying for federal matching funds.

Tsongas, a former U.S. senator from Massachusetts, said he cleared the threshold by raising a minimum of $5,000 in contributions of $250 or less from individuals in 20 states.

That means the federal government will add 40% to the total of whatever the campaign has raised by Jan. 1, Tsongas said.


Tsongas, who entered the race in April and has been the only Democrat to announce his candidacy, said his fund-raising activities demonstrate that he has received support across the country.

The 20 states that qualified him for matching funds are “geographically very disparate,” ranging from California to Maine to Florida, Tsongas said.

As of the last reporting period in June, the Tsongas campaign had raised $507,000 and had $114,000 in cash on hand.
