
Area’s Rank Drops in ‘Best Places’ List

The Ventura-Oxnard area ranks 152nd on Money magazine’s list of the best places to live in America--a dramatic plunge from last year’s rating of 34th place.

The magazine recently published its list of the 300 best places to live after conducting a survey asking subscribers what they most valued in a location. Top priorities cited were clean water, low crime, clean air, abundant medical services and strong local government.

The magazine collected information on the 300 largest metropolitan statistical areas in the nation and fed it into a computer along with the surveys.


According to the magazine, the No. 1 area is Provo-Orem, Utah. The other top 10 cities on the list are: Bremerton, Wash.; Bryan, Tex.; Boise, Ida.; Lubbock, Tex.; Billings, Mont.; Fayetteville, Ark.; Madison, Wis.; Austin, Tex.; and Lincoln, Neb. Los Angeles placed 95th on the list and Santa Barbara 220th.
