‘Inning’ Frederick II
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Regarding the article on Frederick the Great (“Coming Home to Rest After 205 Years, 6 Stops,” World Report, Aug. 13), it is ironic that on the heels of the clamorous “outing” of a high-ranking Pentagon official, this great German monarch has effectively been “inned.”
Frederick II, whose homosexual identity has been documented historically, remains a hero to even the staunchest of German nationalists for his role as an “enlightened despot.” As a matter of fact, the stoicism and perseverance ascribed to him are frequently tied to the otherwise traumatizing experience of being forced to witness the execution of his lover, Hans von Katte, not simply a “friend . . . beheaded for desertion,” a glaring omission on the part of writer Tamara Jones.
Although it is refreshing that Frederick can be revered neither on account of nor in spite of his sexuality, sidestepping this fact in the context of his life constitutes an inexcusable step backward for the movement in tolerance and acceptance.
Santa Monica