
SPECIAL EDITION: CRISIS IN THE KREMLIM : Around World, Coup Draws Condemnation and Demonstrations : <i> Here’s how news of the ouster of Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev was received worldwide as reported by Times correspondents, researchers and wire services:</i> : Salvadoran Theories

Gorbachev’s ouster, Salvadoran officials said, “obviously can affect our situation.” After the new, hard-line leaders consolidate their positions, the Soviet leadership may decide to resume high levels of aid to Cuba, which then might pass on assistance to the guerrillas in this war-racked nation, speculated Ernest Altschul, chief adviser to President Alfredo Cristiani.

He added, however, that “we hope the process of reform and democratization can still take hold, but it would be totally irresponsible for us to speculate on a fluid situation when it is still developing.”
