
WEEKEND TV : L.A. Schools’ Financial Crisis Will Be Debated

School days are just about here and the money problem is harder than trigonometry.

KCBS Channel 2’s “Newsmakers,” airing at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, debates the ongoing financial crisis in the Los Angeles Unified School District, which earlier this week called for the layoffs of some 800 teachers. Guests on the panel include Warren Furutani, president of the L.A. School Board; Ruben Zacarias, deputy superintendent of the district; and Helen Bernstein, president of United Teachers Los Angeles.

Bernstein, the head of the teachers union, also will be interviewed on “News Conference,” Sunday at 6:30 a.m. on KNBC Channel 4.

Shortfalls of the Democratic kind head the discussion on “This Week With David Brinkley,” Sunday at 11:30 a.m. (7)(3), 10:30 a.m. (10), 11 a.m. (42). Potential Democratic candidates for President in 1992, Gov. Bill Clinton of Arkansas and Gov. Douglas Wilder of Virginia, and the only announced candidate, Paul Tsongas, talk about the problems their party faces in trying to keep President Bush from walking away with another term. Another potential candidate, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, will be interviewed on “Meet the Press” Sunday at 8:30 a.m. (4)(36)(39).


Meanwhile, “National Geographic Explorer” series ventures into the wilderness for a sixth season Sunday at 6 p.m. on TBS (cable). This installment features segments on the men of Thailand who climb towering bamboo poles in search of valuable bird nests and the hunting of flamingos by Africa’s hungry hyenas. Robert Urich hosts.

Other weekend shows include:
