
Civic Project Fiscally Sound

This is a response to a letter by Frank Fine concerning the Civic Arts Plaza. Mr. Fine appeared before the Thousand Oaks City Council and started to espouse his beliefs about the Civic Arts Plaza and was corrected at least three times in his facts, which were almost totally erroneous. As mayor, I personally offered him the opportunity to sit down with our city manager to go over the facts and the contract, and he has declined.

The important thing for people to realize is that the Civic Arts Plaza does have a budget of $63 million for the construction of the auditorium, forum theater, park and government center. The city does not have three city halls. We will have one city hall. The previous city hall and current interim buildings are being sold to pay cash for the new city hall, thereby eliminating any cost to the taxpayer.

Additionally, the income that is produced by the private development from leasing land, from sales taxes and from transient occupancy (hotel) taxes will produce $487 million of revenue to citizens of Thousand Oaks. I defy Mr. Fine to find another city that has its civic auditorium, forum theater and park all paid for by private development. The city of Thousand Oaks has been fiscally responsible in developing a project that produces a stream of income instead of just sinking money into projects like many other agencies do.


Also, fees on new development were not raised to pay for the Civic Arts Plaza. Fees are being raised to make sure that present residents do not have to pay for growth. This is a pay-as-you-go city, and people who develop here must pay their own way. That is the way our citizens want it, Mr. Fine.


Thousand Oaks

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