
Sierra Madre : Assessment District Hearing

The City Council will hold a public hearing at its Sept. 10 meeting on a proposal by the Sierra Madre Main Street Chamber of Commerce to create a special assessment district in the downtown area.

The chamber hopes to raise up to $58,000 for downtown events, beautification projects and business promotions.

For three years, the chamber has received at least $25,000 annually from the Community Redevelopment Agency for downtown improvements on the understanding that it would eventually find another funding source.


If the council forms the district, about 250 businesses and property owners along Sierra Madre Boulevard would be assessed from $100 to $500 each, depending on the location and size of a business, a chamber spokesman said.

However, state law provides that if business owners who would pay at least 51% of the total assessment protest, the proposal would die.

The council meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. at City Hall.
