
It’s Time to Free America From Crime

I’m glad we live in a free country. We are free to enter this country illegally. Free to overload the welfare system. Free to take drugs and join gangs. Free to drive the street and shoot people like the lady who was shot by the gang in Westminster just because she wouldn’t give them her car. We are free to go to jail, get out in a few years and do it again.

When will we pass laws that allow the death penalty to do its job so the rest of us can be free. When will our tax dollars not just fix our streets but make it safe to drive down them freely.

We freed Kuwait, now let’s free America from the gangs. We need a special task force (as in the drug war) to challenge and stop these kinds of people who think to be free in America means the whole country is free, just take it or shoot someone if they don’t give it to you.


J. FRANCIS, Laguna Hills
