
Gary Jonker; Christopher Street West Administrator

Gary Jonker, administrator of Christopher Street West, the organization that serves as a prime educational arm for the gay and lesbian community in Los Angeles, died Tuesday night of the complications of AIDS.

He was 37 and was found to have the disease four years ago.

Christopher Street West was formed in 1970, a year after a similar group began in New York. The name was taken from the New York City street where a massive demonstration for gay rights had been staged.

Jonker was one of two paid employees of the nonprofit organization.

Among the projects it sponsors is the annual Gay and Lesbian Pride Parade in West Hollywood.


Jonker also was president of Christopher Street West for two years before becoming administrator in 1989. He oversaw the filming of a documentary on the group, which has become part of a larger film project, “Gay Voices, Gay Legends.”

His survivors include his mother, Bonnie, two brothers and his longtime companion, Terry Quarles.
