
MOORPARK : Quarry Expansion Plan Is Criticized

The proposed expansion of a quarry near Moorpark prompted harsh criticism by residents and environmentalists at a hearing Wednesday.

Blue Star Ready Mix Inc. wants to double the size of its sand-and-gravel quarry on Happy Camp Road to 399 acres. It would also add an asphalt plant to its existing concrete operation.

The company has operated without a county permit since its original permit expired in 1986. A new permit has not been issued because of a delay in processing the company’s proposal to expand, officials said.


Expansion opponents--nearby residents, parks officials and the Moorpark City Council--have said a larger quarry will harm neighbors and a regional park.

Resident Mike Hayward said he is worried about the truck traffic already generated by the quarry. A year and a half ago, a collision caused a Blue Star cement truck to careen through his yard. His children play there and wait for school buses.

Resident Frank Zamroc said truck exhaust fumes already penetrate his living room. He said he is worried that asphalt odor from a new plant would also fill the air.


Representatives from the Ventura County Environmental Coalition and the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy said expansion could destroy the wildlife habitat at Happy Camp Canyon Regional Park.

The company has maintained that the county approved the creation of the park after Blue Star began operating in 1976.

“The county has adjudged uses around the quarry to be consistent with the quarry,” said Blue Star’s attorney, Mitchel B. Kahn.


Kahn, however, agreed with the quarry opponents who said the environmental report on the expansion is inadequate. The hearing was continued until Aug. 21.
