
Protesters Push Police Line Back, Block Clinic

<i> From Associated Press</i>

Anti-abortion demonstrators, moving on all fours, blocked the entrance to a women’s clinic after shoving a police line against a clinic fence Tuesday, prompting another 177 arrests in the two-week protest.

Police officers have made nearly 1,400 arrests at area abortion clinics since July 22. Many demonstrators have been arrested more than once, police say.

Most of the latest arrests were on a tougher misdemeanor charge of criminal trespass, which carries a sentence of up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine, rather than loitering, which is punishable by a fine of up to $500.


After the protesters were removed, several carloads of patients were driven into the grounds.

Four leaders of Operation Rescue, which organized the demonstrations, had contempt hearings Tuesday. Keith Tucci of Charleston, S.C., who is the organization’s executive director, was released.

The other leaders were jailed after they refused to promise a federal judge that they would obey his order requiring protesters to provide access to clinics.
