
Wetlands Law

The article “Wetlands Law Swamped by Rising Tide of Criticism” (Part A, July 5) is good but not complete. Your article stated, “Edmund Andrewjeski was extremely angry upon learning that his land was not what it had seemed to be.” Anyone would be angry under the circumstances. We applied for and received a building permit from the town of Dubois in late September, 1989, to build a cabin on our property.

In early October, my wife received a phone call from Ed Gooley, Army Corps of Engineers in Riverton, Wyo., who told her that he had driven by our property in Dubois and he could see that it had wetlands and we would not be able to do anything with it without first obtaining a permit from his agency and, therefore, our land wouldn’t have much value. Quite a shock!

We were also told by Dennis Blinkhorn, from Army Corps in Cheyenne, that we were lucky that we hadn’t done anything to our property before we even knew about the wetlands because if we had we could have been jailed and fined.




Casper, Wyo.
