
Oxnard Airport Story Doesn’t Fly

Your article on Oxnard Airport on July 15 was interesting more for what it omitted than for the content.

No jets? There is a jet that regularly lands to disembark passengers and then takes off again almost immediately. It has no airline markings.

Turboprop planes are the first flights to be canceled when weather restricts flights into San Francisco or LAX. Out of eight attempts to fly out of Oxnard in the last 12 months, we only managed to fly twice. One flight was canceled and the plane flew empty back to LAX because the piece of string that holds the steps snapped when the ground crew let the door drop when opening it. There are no mechanics at Oxnard qualified to tie string.


The county may get revenue from two airports (Camarillo and Oxnard), but it has to spend more for operating costs. By combining all flights into the larger airport, Camarillo, the county could make even more money by keeping the joint revenue and spending less on operating costs.

Camarillo, which is larger and has no residential area around it, can handle passenger jets, which are usually equipped with instrument landing equipment. This would mean fewer flight cancellations due to San Francisco weather!

