
Seeing Spots

THE MOVIE: “101 Dalmatians,” Walt Disney Pictures, re-released on its 30th anniversary.

THE SETUP: Demon furrier Cruella de Vil wants a half-dozen black-and-white fur coats and decides Dalmatian puppies are the way to go. She obviously doesn’t realize that a ‘60s polka-dot look would work much better in a shaggy fake fur. Pooch parents Pongo and Perdita must try to save the entire winter crop of puppies when their owners, Anita and Roger Radcliff, fail to find the missing litter.

THE GOOD LOOK: Roger goes for a modish beatnik look, with tight peg-leg trousers and off-color coats. Anita’s into prim hats and long earth-tone skirts. The dogs, as always, are perfectly decked out in basic white with black spots.

THE BAD LOOK: The politically very incorrect Cruella (pictured) seems to live in a white full-length fox, which, by the end of the movie, definitely looks like it died fighting. She also wears a black slinky evening dress to tea . She evidently spends less on her hair than her clothes because she has a dye job from hell: one side black, one side white.


THE MORAL: Bad taste and bad manners is bad news. Oh, and a fur always looks best on the original owner.
