
Gage Reelected Head of Water and Power Board

Ex-Deputy Mayor Mike Gage on Thursday was reelected president of the Los Angeles Board of Water and Power Commissioners. Rick J. Caruso, who previously served as president for four terms, will continue as vice president for 1991-92. The attorney and Los Angeles business executive was appointed to the board in August, 1984.

Gage, who started as a legislative assistant in Sacramento, was elected to the state Assembly in 1976 to represent Napa. After serving two terms, he joined Mayor Tom Bradley’s staff in 1987 as deputy mayor and chief of staff.

Gage formerly owned a marketing and public relations company and has served as president of a real estate development firm. He has also worked as a boatman and guide for international white-water rafting expeditions and is currently an education commentator for KNBC-TV. Gage also serves on the Board of Directors for the Metropolitan Water District.
