
Commission’s LAPD Report

In response to the release of information by the commission on the LAPD, I would like to say a few things. The transcripts that were released have been treated as proof of racism (among other things). It’s obvious that this city is in a sad state of affairs. Doesn’t anyone have a sense of humor? Some of the transcripts that were released were extremely amusing. I can’t believe how serious the people of this city are taking it.

I don’t know one person who hasn’t told a racial joke or at least laughed at one. Are police officers suppose to be exempt from humor? I don’t think so. Lighten up, people. If anyone needs humor, it’s the police officers of this city. Since the Rodney King incident occurred, I have yet to hear one positive thing about the Police Department. How are people suppose to make fair judgments when all they hear are one-sided stories?

The officers of this city risk their lives for us everyday and take an enormous amount of abuse. I would think people would have a little more respect and understanding. While this city hangs its head in embarrassment over the LAPD, I hang my head in embarrassment that this city doesn’t give the LAPD the credit and support it deserves.


