
Base Killings Linked to Homosexual Relationship


A noncommissioned officer at Ft. Irwin who allegedly shot a lower-ranking soldier to death early Sunday and then killed himself was facing a court-martial on charges of having a sexual relationship with the subordinate, Army officials said Monday.

Sgt. Timothy Karl Miller, 25, had been charged on three counts of sodomy and four counts of indecent acts stemming from an alleged relationship with Spec. Terry Wayne Stephenson Jr., 20.

Authorities, who are labeling the double slaying “an apparent murder-suicide,” said Stephenson’s body was found in a hallway outside his room shortly after 6 a.m. Sunday. Miller shot himself three hours later, after officers questioned him in his barracks.


Maj. John Wagstaffe, public affairs officer for the Mojave Desert-based Army training center, said military police had not determined the motive for the killings. He confirmed that Miller’s court-martial was scheduled for this week.

The charges against Miller were based on allegations by Stephenson, who was scheduled to be a prosecution witness, Wagstaffe said.

“Stephenson was alleging that Miller initiated the contact,” said Wagstaffe. “It was a case of fraternization between a supervising noncommissioned officer and a subordinate officer. . . . It was not an alleged forced act.”


If convicted, Miller, who had denied the charges, faced a maximum penalty of six months in military jail, a bad conduct discharge, a fine and a reduced rank, Wagstaffe said.

Miller, who had not been placed in pretrial confinement, used a privately owned gun to shoot himself and Stephenson, Wagstaffe said.

Miller, a native of Bath, Pa., was an auto mechanic. Stephenson, born in Greencastle, Ind., served as a tank systems mechanic.


Both soldiers were members of Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 52nd Infantry at Ft. Irwin. Neither had served in the Persian Gulf conflict.
