
ANAHEIM : Day-Care Grants to Free Classrooms

Students at four schools in the Savanna School District will soon have more classroom space, thanks to state grant funds for day-care facilities.

Currently, the district’s preschool and after-school care facilities are in school classrooms and modular structures. With the recently awarded grant money, new portable facilities will be added to school sites, freeing classrooms for students.

“This district has had (student) growth in the past five to six years,” Assistant Supt. Carolyn Lawson said. “We were foreseeing not being able to offer day care in coming years.”


Lawson said growing school enrollment in the small district, which serves the west end of the city, may have threatened the day-care program because the district needed classroom space for the extra children.

The $200,000 grant will enable the district to put up modular structures at four sites--Hansen, Reid, Cerritos and Holder elementary schools.

Lawson said the district hopes to have the sites at Hansen, Holder and Reid open in fall, and the one at Cerritos ready for spring.
