
PLATFORM : God in Government

<i> Recently, an Islamic clergyman offered the opening prayer at a daily session of Congress--a first. Fullerton Councilman A.B. (BUCK) CATLIN commented on the changing face of religion in America and the need to allow different voices to be heard. He told The Times:</i>

Prayer at the start of a public meeting is a noble purpose. And when presented in a way that is sensitive to the religious principles of all denominations, it can be a force for the community good.

Since I’ve been actively involved in government, I’ve believed that adherence to ecumenical principles will tend to unite our community in a common bond that is superior to partisan views. At the start of our evening Fullerton City Council meetings, we always invite a man or woman of the cloth--no matter what the denomination--to deliver a message. Invariably, the message calls on God to give us wisdom, clarity of thought and inward strength to decide what is best for the community--nothing more.

God is an important part of our governing process here in Fullerton. Allowing other denominations to express their belief in God can only help bring the community together, which is the one of the guiding principles of most religions.
