
Abortion Pill Controversy

The opinions presented by David Grimes and Rebecca Cook (June 17 and 18, respectively) were excellent. They presented a clear, intelligent perspective on the abortion issue from a pro-choice point of view.

The most important thing they said about abortion is that even if it is illegal for a doctor to perform one, abortion does not cease to exist. When safe, hygienic abortions are deemed illegal, the notion of a $10,000 fine or a jail term for the doctor is trivial; the woman receiving the abortion faces the death penalty by coat hanger.

It is a far greater crime for women to be pressured into having babies who will not be wanted, or having babies who were conceived through acts of violence against women.


Until women have full control over their bodies, a right currently granted to men, we will not be equal, and everyone will suffer because of this.

CAROL MAY, Los Angeles
