
Teen-Ager Dies in Street Corner Shooting

An 18-year-old National City man was shot to death early Saturday morning as he stood on a street corner talking with other youths.

National City Police said that Luis Coronado died at the scene in what investigators said was a gang-related shooting.

According to a police account of the incident, Coronado was standing at the corner of 16th Street and Coolidge Avenue at 12:51 a.m. with a group of companions when a slowly moving car stopped in front of Coronado and his friends.


The occupants shouted gang slogans then got out of the car. One of them fired several shots at the youths standing on the corner, police said.

Coronado, who was the only one hit by the bullets, suffered multiple gunshot wounds.

Police said that the gunman and the other occupants of the car got back in the vehicle and sped away. Details of the shooting were sketchy over the weekend.

Investigators said they were not sure how many suspects were in the car.

Paramedics were called but could not save Coronado.

He died at the scene, a few blocks away from his Coolidge Avenue home.
