
Hairstylists’ Trade Secret: the Tabloids

Looking for the hippest hair of the summer? Some stylists say look no farther than the latest scandal sheets. In its recent presentation of summer fashions, the Vidal Sassoon salon stressed looks inspired by the Hollywood celebs most often seen on the pages of the Star and the National Enquirer.

For men, Sassoon showed wispy, dangling locks reminiscent of Alec Baldwin and Kiefer Sutherland, and the slicked-back, gel-laden image of Lorenzo Lamas.

Women got the “tousled yet tailored” look favored by soap stars or the severe chop-and-bob of model Naomi Campbell, if not the manicured mop of Ivana Trump. Loosely curled locks were piled high on the head, cut short and sculpturally shaped or haphazardly pulled up and pinned.


Sassoon stylists describe the looks as free-spirited and versatile, but greasy gigolos and tousled temptresses sound more like it.
